Mycelium Youth Network (MYN) provides high-quality Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) programming with a focus on ancestrally-grounded climate resilience that is free or low cost to low-income youth in the Bay Area.
Our hands-on training blends the traditions and practices of local indigenous people and the technologies of today to empower young people with the skills needed to survive and thrive while facing the uncertainty of a climate-just world.
MYN projects begins with Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR). Students learn to identify an issue of ecological concern, analyze the issue, create a plan to address the issue, and evaluate and plan next steps.
YPAR will engage young people in planning and implementing short-, mid-, and long-term strategies on how to deal with issues of ecological concern using project-based learning and DIY STEAM techniques.
The ultimate goal is that youth will see themselves as leaders through team building, critical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.