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Gaming for Justice™️

Northern California Public Media documents Gaming for Justice and the live action event, "Death by a Thousand Breaths" (view on YouTube).

Gaming for Justice™ is a interactive role-playing adventure game that is designed, drawn, and soundtracked by SF Bay area artists and visionaries. Using a combination of oral storytelling, artistic depictions, and customized music, Mycelium Youth Network runs fully immerse virtual gaming experiences based in the history of the San Francisco Bay Area with a specific focus on Oakland, California.

Adventurers have the opportunity to engage with four different adventures: from the deforestation of Oak trees from Oakland, to the missionization process, to the Black Panther party, and to ground-water pollution around the Black Solidarity Market by Lake Merritt. Adventurers solve real life issues and address ongoing challenges, such as pollution, deforestation, police brutality, and gentrification, all within a fantasy setting. This is an amazing opportunity to engage with the rich history of Oakland as change makers and leaders. ​

Well-known Oakland musical and visual artists will create an immersive game-ified version of beloved locations such as Joaquin Miller, Lake Merritt, Fruitvale, and West Oakland. Musical artists include Jennifer Johns, Teao Sense from Audiopharmacy, and Lauren Adams from Sol Development. Visual artists include the talents of Desi Mundo, Leslie “Dime” Lopez, and Zhanne Easter. Please get in touch with any inquiries for creative collaboration.

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