The Mycelium Youth Universe Gaming for Justice Compendium
Dungeons and Dragons 5E Adventures Inspired by Social and Environmental Justice.
Missed our Kickstarter campaign? It's not too late to support The Mycelium Youth Universe!

Created by Painted Ladder for "Fighting Tooth and Claw for Justice."

Map created by Sebastian Ebarb.

Created by Niki Waters for "Stormward Bound."

Created by Painted Ladder for "Fighting Tooth and Claw for Justice."
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In the Media
"I love D&D because I get to travel to a magical world with my mind, and I can be whoever and whatever I want to be!"
—Durga (fire genasi barbarian) aka Shivani
Get Involved
Want to join our quest for justice? The Mycelium Youth Universe seeks brave Social Media Ambassadors to help us launch our Kickstarter campaign throughout August.
Noble mycelial civilians shall submit their interest
through the form below, indicating interest in...
~ Gaming for Justice™ ~

"As a storyteller for G4J, I am blessed with a very special opportunity–I get to remix my favorite fantasy tropes. Because they literally describe the processes and mindset of colonization, we can use the same tropes to tell the opposite story: the unraveling of colonization."
— Tao Qi, G4J Storyteller
Sponsor the Compendium
If you are interested in sponsoring our event, there are several product and financial sponsorship tiers that you can choose from. Sponsors help us cover the costs of planning and materials for this premier, collaborative event and most importantly allow us to broaden our reach and actively meet the financial needs of our community on our quest for climate resilience and environmental justice. Your support allows us to provide tiered sliding scale ticketing options and create the most engaging, interactive gaming experience for the rising generation of leaders in the climate space.
We are grateful to the support of Hopelab! Hopelab is a social innovation lab and impact investor at the intersection of tech and youth mental health. Gaming for Justice is a program created with funding in part by the City of Oakland's Cultural Fund.

Sponsorship Levels
The Mycelium Youth Universe Gaming for Justice Compendium is a grassroots fundraising campaign raising $10,000 to cover the most basic material needs to bring this compendium to life. We welcome sponsorship support at the levels listed below, which will allow us to expand this project as follows.
We would be excited to offer our sponsors the following for a financial donation:
Social media shout-out across Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tiktok;
10 hardcover copies of the compendium for the EDF community and an additional 5 to be donated to the organization or school of EDF’s choice;
Listing EDF as one of our core partners for this project on our website, press release, Kickstarter landing page, and in the book acknowledgements in both PDF and hardcover format;
Ability to name an item or a non-playable character (NPC) in the compendium.
Stipends for three youth storytellers to be trained up in creating new adventures for our next round of play
Donation of 12 hardcover compendium to all of our current Gaming for Justice youth players
10 additional art commissions for the adventure
Increase in the hours of both our Lead Storyteller and our other Storyteller for additional workshops and demos at educational sites
Creation of a live-stream on Twitch, a gaming platform, on our adventures to raise awareness for climate change and environmental justice
10 additional art commissions, including universal maps
Donation of 15 hardcover compendiums to educators and community members who want to engage our content but need financial support
Donation of 10 additional copies to local schools and bookstores who work with youth
Increase in the hours of part-time Lead Storyteller (the person who leads the adventures) to support in offering free workshops to educators and players on the compendium
Each of the 10 illustrated adventures would include the following sections:
‘The Science Behind the Story’: scientific overview behind each adventure as well as specific climate challenges and real world solutions to those challenges;
‘Storytelling Our Shared Past’: historical context behind each of our adventures from a perspective of resistance and resilience;
‘Learning Outcomes and Themes’: we are partnering with our internal educators to provide next generation science standards (NGSS) learning standards built into each adventure so that educators could use adventures to highlight specific themes and lessons;
40+ original artwork designed by BIPoC artists in the San Francisco Bay Area;
15 original maps designed by Native mapmaker Sebastian Ebarb (Choctaw-Apache);
Original D&D items pulling from cultural and historical moments of resilience and resistance.