Building climate resilience requires centering youth voices. While it is unacceptable to expect younger generations to lead the climate justice movement alone, it is important to have youth voices at the center of all climate conversations.
Youth Leadership Councils (YLC) model a way in which communities can authentically center youth voices in critical conversations and action-based planning around climate justice, transforming their schools and communities.
Our Model
YLC maps out community assets, areas of concern, and possible solutions for a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) using youth participatory action research methods.

YLC work with MYN staff to meet with school and community leaders to identify issues related to climate change for that community and breadth and scope of semester-long project.
YLC and MYN staff co-lead a presentation of the CNA to the larger community to solicit feedback, as well as to identify environmental concern as it relates to climate adaptation and mitigation.

YLC and Mycelium staff identify two to three solutions that are implementable at their local school site based on the CNA, starting the following school year.
YLC Responsibilities

Use knowledge and experience to inform the direction of our programming
Engage in youth participatory action research (YPAR) that will lead the development of a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) project
Co-lead a space with Mycelium to meet with community members to solicit feedback for local environmental concerns
Meet with Mycelium’s team on a weekly or monthly basis for support with research and needs assessment
Meet with community leaders who will support with youth engagement
Whenever possible, meet with regional agencies and local government leaders to present findings and to discuss possible solutions
Co-create an online system with Mycelium staff where community members who attended the first meeting can either participate further in the creation of the CNA or where they can provide regularized feedback throughout the project process
** Note: This is a stipended position ($2,000) and runs from January - May.
Mycelium currently partners with 3
Youth Leadership Councils:
MetWest High School
Mission High School
Aspire Lionel Wilson College Preparatory Academy

Oakland Unified School District

San Francisco Unified School District